A Spiritual Pair

A Spiritual Pair

Ringside Seat

Ringside Seat

Beauty With a Plaited Mane

Beauty With a Plaited Mane

In Sync

In Sync

About the Artist:

Just off the Easel
The images above are just off the easel. 

My work is best seen in person because a photo presents only a midpoint in the dichotomy between realism and expressionism. I believe that “interesting is better than exact,” and strive to engage the viewer with expressive strokes, fostering an experience with the piece, rather than reporting exactly what is seen.
Click on the Artist's Gallery tab to see some of my current paintings

If you are interested in seeing my work, call and schedule a private viewing or schedule a group showing.
My studio is located at 18806 N 89th Drive
                                     Peoria, Arizona

• 218-841-4297
• judy@jwinc.org