Blank Canvas Gallery - How it Works

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Blank Canvas Gallery is a web marketing service enhancing connectivity between Artist and Collector.  This service provides each Artist with gallery and event hosting, enhanced individual marketing opportunities and inventory management services.

There are two primary functions available.

 Member Artist
The Members Gallery replaces the physical retail galleries. With a BCG web hosted gallery, the artist work is always on display and the artist avoids the gallery commission.  Patrons can research, evaluate, and collect from anywhere.

Services include:

  1. Artist Portfolio Hosting.
  2. Individual Online Gallery Hosting.
  3. Artist Resume Hosting.
  4. Individual Artist MY Events Calendar Hosting.
  5. Individual Artist MY Services Hosting.
  6. Individual gallery inventory control and inventory reports.
  7. Easy to use online forms to build your data.
  8. Easy to use upload function to add photos of your work.
  9. Secure and mobile device displays.
  10. First Page listing from search engines.
  11. Training and Support building and maintaining your data
  12. Email marketing announcements.
  13. Unique announcement capability on the home page.
  14. Each artist provides a roster of email addresses.
  15. Artist sign on and password assigned

Exhibit Artist
The Exhibit replaces the traveling shows where you “haul your art to the show” or “haul your tent  to the park”.  Each Exhibit is active for a minimum of one month and is organized around an art club or special theme.  Exhibits can be entered by anyone from anywhere.

Each artist provides:

BCG admin:

Since Member Galleries are always active, Viewers will browse the Current Exhibit and the Member Galleries concurrently. Member Artists may also choose to enter an Exhibit.



Member Artists

Exhibit Artists

Artists are always in charge of sales and fulfillment.

Gallery Administration

"Having tried the usual web site creation and maintenance, Judy and Jerry Wegenast speak from personal experience.  Their individual web site disappeared some time ago.  That old effort was costly. Updates required more technical expertise, were time consuming, and tended to be neglected because it was a burden rather than a benefit.  As outlined above, Blank Canvas Gallery provides more functionality than similar web sites."